How To Handle A Nasty Headache Naturally

Has a killer headache hit out of nowhere? We all experience headaches from time to time. But if your headaches are getting you down, there are ways to deal with them naturally.


What causes headaches? Are there different types of headaches?

Despite the fact that everyone has experienced a headache at one time or another, they are still poorly understood.

In some cases, we know the cause of a headache. But in others, it’s still not clear, so it can be difficult to find a solution that works. This is why doctors will often just write you a medical certificate, prescribe some pain relief medication and send you on your way.

There are over 300 types of headache identified. Many are rare, and most of us experience a handful of the most common headache types:

·       Tension headache

·       Migraines

·       Headaches caused by underlying infection (e.g. an infected tooth or sinus)

·       Hangover headache

Some of the less common headaches include cluster headaches, headaches caused by medication withdrawal or overuse and ice-cream headaches.

For women, headaches may occur more frequently prior to and during menstruation. Sometimes the fluctuation in hormone levels can cause a headache, or it may exacerbate a headache that was already starting.

Simple tips to relieve headache pain

Looking for a way to relieve your headache? It depends on the type of headache, but these tips will help to take the edge off, even if they can’t eliminate the pain entirely.

See if you can figure out the cause

Sometimes it can be easy to figure out why you’ve got a headache if you do a little bit of reflecting.

·       Is PMS kicking in and fluctuating your hormones all over the place?

·       Have you been glued to your laptop for too many days in a row?

·       Are you under more stress than usual, or have you neglected to take some time out lately?

·       Have you been sniffly, and is the pain worse around the sinus area?

Once you get at least a clue about what might be causing or worsening your headache, you can take steps to correct it.

Check the surrounding muscles

Many types of headache involve muscles, joints, tendons and/or ligaments around the head, neck and shoulders. Even if your headache cause has nothing to do with muscles, your muscles will likely be tense from the experience of pain.

Check in with your muscles with a two-minute assessment. Feel along the neck and shoulder for tender spots. You might also want to check along the upper arm around the tricep for sore spots.

Another common contributor is jaw tension. If you tend to clench under stress, feel around the face and jaw for tenderness. You might also have a band of tension across the temples.

If you do find tight and sore spots, pop a soothing heat pack on them to relieve the muscle tension.

Drink a glass of water

Sometimes, it really is the simple things that make a difference. Dehydration is one of the most common contributing factors to a headache.

Have 1-2 cups of water, then give it 30 minutes and see how you feel. The worst-case scenario is that you still have a headache, but are more hydrated! But there’s a good chance you’ll experience at least some improvement in your headache.

Practice some self-care

Stress is a massive contributor to headaches. It can cause the most common type of headache – a tension headache. But it also worsens other headaches, because your muscles tense up and your nervous system is on high alert.

This is where a good dose of self-care can make a big difference.

Self-care could be as simple as:

·        Sipping a cup of herbal tea while reading a book for 20 minutes

·        Stretching your body out

·        Gently moving your body with a walk or some yoga

·        Putting on some calming essential oils while you work

·        Taking 10 minutes out to meditate with a lavender eye pillow over your eyes

If it’s been a while since you’ve taken time for yourself, it might be time for some self-care in the form of a Wellness Nest Woman appointment.

Rhianna uses a combination of relaxation, remedial massage and myotherapy approaches along with supportive care techniques such as essential oils, crystals, cupping and dry needling. The result is 90 minutes of blissful self-care just for you!

To book a Wellness Nest Woman appointment, head to our booking page and select Rhianna as your practitioner.